Would you describe your website as disorganized, uninviting or outdated? If so, you’re not alone.
The world wide web is brimming with woefully weak websites that not only fail to attract and nurture new customers but actually scare potential business away. Oh, what tangled web projects we weave when we don’t ask the right questions. Fortunately, there are well-established best practices that, if followed correctly, can transform your website into a robust lead generator and revenue creator. And we’ve written a handy guide to help you with the process!
Your website is an important business investment with huge potential to boost your bottom line. Implementing proven strategies developed by digital marketers experts can help you achieve the maximum return on that investment.
Our eBook, which you can download (for free!) here, covers these basic strategies and more.
With the help of this guide, you’ll start by establishing clear business-growth goals, because you’ll soon be measuring your progress with technology-driven digital marketing analytics that help you keep an eagle eye on your ROI.
You’ll also need to take a hard look at how your website can best represent your brand. This involves the visual appearance and organization of your site, but just as important is your content strategy. Creating a blog is essential, as this is the most direct way to share your message with the world, and has tremendous SEO benefits. Identifying other areas of your website where you can grow marketing content outside of your blog is also key i.e. products, services, industries and other keyword rich paths.
Today, effective websites must be equipped with content management systems, SEO strategy, conversion (CRO) strategy, content marketing strategy and social media game plans, and much more. If certain key inbound marketing strategies are done right, your web traffic will grow — and, more important, your website will convert web visitors into leads and customers.
It’s a lot of work and a little complicated, so many business people undertaking such a web project seek professional help.
That’s why we created the eBook you’ll find below as a road map for starting your web design project: 10 key questions that will help you establish what kind of website you need, and show you how to find a digital marketing agency that can deliver it.