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Where Our Designers/Developers Find Inspiration

We pride ourselves on having a team of people who are great at what they do. But our team isn’t content with that–everyone at Vital is constantly exploring their field so they can stay up to date with the latest and greatest developments in technology, techniques and more. Here are some of our designers and developers’ favorite sites for when they need a little inspiration or some tips and tricks.

Ali Brennen Senior Graphic Designer 

Logopond and DesignFridge – I like these two for similar reasons, both sites have really clean interfaces, I can just scroll through/down and quickly view examples for inspiration. Both are updated daily, so there’s always fresh stuff. With DesignFridge, he tags all the sites so I can sort the sites by Style, Color, Layout, Texture, Format, Theme, etc.  With Logopond, you can look at people’s portfolios and follow them… you can also sort logos. Both sites are fun and post cutting edge work.

Dribbble: The social sharing site for designers. Awesome resource for inspiration, getting feedback on my designs a.k.a. “shots” , following your favorite designers, seeing the progression of other designers’ projects, having conversations and more.

Dylan George Designer/Developer  

Abduzeedo: Great design inspiration each day on a consistent basis. It’s a favorite with designers for a reason—it’s consistently updated and there’s always something new to check out.

Noupe: Another popular site with here at Vital. It’s a design/development site that’s part of Smashing Magazine. There is lots of inspiring stuff, plus really helpful how-tos and tutorials for design and development projects.

One Page Love : I like one page websites, therefore I like this website.

Amanda Crisp Designer/Developer 

Patterntap:  A great resource for user interface design. Love the websites they post.

Zenhabits: This is a great site about how to find inner tranquility and harness your creativity.

Webcreme:  A great source of inspiration for website design. They post new websites everyday.

CSS Tricks: I really like this one for front-end web dev trends and tips. Great place to keep up-to-speed with new techniques and tricks.

a graphic for Vital's ebook "15 questions to ask before you redesign your website"

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