Corinne Poirier

What if today we were just grateful for everything?

Charlie Brown

Hailing from the Dunkin capital of the world (i.e.) Massachusetts, Corinne graduated from Bryant University with a degree in marketing and applied analytics and a minor in psychology. At Bryant, she was active in various clubs, interned during every year of study, and tried to start her comedic stand-up career as a student ambassador/tour guide — hard launch.

In her previous role as a Digital Operations Manager, Corinne worked with B2B clients across different industries, developing strategic plans to help her clients more impactfully connect with their stakeholders and community. After recognizing her passion lay in more creative projects, she began looking for companies that were growing and supporting their employees with a fantastic culture that she could be a part of for many years to come, which is how she found Vital.

Corinne is one of Vital’s fully remote employees in the maple syrup capital of the world, Vermont. Although you won’t be seeing her in the office when you talk to her, you can ask her about her obsession with podcasts (think Crime Junkie, Brene Brown, or Glennon Doyle), what book she’s reading, or if she’s figured out how to braid her hair yet.

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HubSpot Content Marketing Certification

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HubSpot Email Marketing Certification

HubSpot Inbound Marketing Certification

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HubSpot Sales Enablement Certification

  • Joined Vital ’23
  • Delta Marketing Group
  • Amica Mutual Insurance

  • Bryant University, BSBA Marketing & Applied Analytics, 2020

Random Bits

  • I have never met a mountain that I did not like to climb or ski down unless it’s Knife’s Edge in Maine.
  • Birds terrify me due to a traumatic encounter with a pigeon who tried to steal a bag of Funyuns from me in Disney World circa 2005. Not (fun)yun.
  • I watch the fire drill scene from The Office when I am having a bad day.

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