Vital nominated for Advertising Agency, New Media Agency and Public Relations Firm
In case you haven’t noticed, we’ve been nominated in New Hampshire Business Review’s Best of Business (BOB) Awards, recognizing the best B2B businesses in the state. Woohoo! We’re super excited and can imagine that we’ve probably already received approximately a bazillion votes.
Therefore, we probably don’t need your help (I mean look at us, we’ve got superpowers!), but we’d still love it if you voted for us anyway. It only takes five minutes.
Things you can do with five minutes:
- Watch .00138889 of The Wire.
- Save up to 16.666667% on your car insurance by calling a gecko.
- Support Vital and some other kick-ass NH companies by voting in the BOB Awards!
Number 3 is the obvious choice, right?! We agree! Here’s your five-minute plan:
- GO to this link:
- Vote for Vital in the first three categories and answer at least 17 other questions
- Drink a glass of water (hydration is very important)
The categories we’ve been nominated in are: Advertising Agency, New Media Agency and Public Relations Firms—the first three categories.
Note: You must vote in at least 20 categories (out of the 90-ish) for your ballot to count.
So while you’re at it, you could also vote for our friends and show some love to our clients who are nominated as well:
10. Engineering Firm: Summit Engineering
27. General Contractor: Chinburg Properties
30. MBA Program: Southern New Hampshire University and/or University of New Hampshire
31. Online Degree Program: Southern New Hampshire University and/or University of New Hampshire
44. After-Work Bar (Monadnock Region): Margarita’s Mexican Restaurant
46. After-Work Bar (Greater Nashua): Margarita’s Mexican Restaurant
47. After-Work Bar (Seacoast): Portsmouth Brewery
48. After-Work Bar (North of Concord): Margarita’s Mexican Restaurant
59. Business Lunch (Seacoast): Portsmouth Brewery and/or Portsmouth Gaslight Co.
61. Business Lunch (Monadnock Region): Margarita’s Mexican Restaurant
74. Commercial Insurance Broker: Avery Insurance
76. Bankruptcy Law: Rath, Young and Pignatelli, P.C.
77. Corporate Law: Rath, Young and Pignatelli, P.C.
78. Employment Law: Rath, Young and Pignatelli, P.C.
81. Tax Law: Rath, Young and Pignatelli, P.C.
91. Auto Dealership: Portsmouth Chevrolet
92. Auto Fleet Dealership: Key Auto Group
Thank you! We really appreciate your vote!