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How To Build a Compelling Content Strategy for Your “Boring” Industry

Content Strategy

Be Entertaining

You probably already know who your audience is and what they are interested in. If they tend to be interested in local sports teams, environmental issues or the latest best-selling books, you can tie these interests into your content. Include an occasional blog post that’s just for fun or that reaffirms your brand voice. While we wouldn’t suggest updates that are completely irrelevant to your business and conversation, you can use these popular things as jumping off points around which you can build your relevant content. And remember to have a sense of humor.

Think train safety is boring? It doesn’t have to be.

Association Is Identity

When creating content, be sure to have fun with it! Let your personality show. People will engage more with a brand that acts more like a person. Ask a customer or other industry insider to write a guest post. Engage. Link to and share from other industry sources and curate the best content from others (this will reinforce your position as an authority). Promote discussion by asking people to comment with questions or tips—and be sure to reward them with a quick reply. Your network will grow over time if you nurture it faithfully.

Try It All, Use What Works

Try the all of the above tactics and more, and see what people are responding to. Once you start mastering the art of creating compelling content, you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how interestingyour “boring” industry really is.

Have more tips for creating engaging content for your boring industry? Know of a business that is killing it with their compelling content strategy in a challenging industry? Please share in the comments!

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