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Facebook Timeline for Pages: Deadline is March 30! Need Some Inspiration?

Facebook Timeline for Pages

Facebook’s new Timeline becomes mandatory for all Facebook brands on March 30, which means you only have a short time to get your business Facebook pages ready (same goes for your personal Page). If you’re worried about the change, check out our special services to update your Facebook Timeline today.

As we’ve noted, Facebook Timeline means some very exciting things for your business page (at least exciting to social media marketers like us). But it will take some tuning to get your Timeline purring. To help inspire you, here are five companies embracing the new Timeline features with success.


1. SubPop

Sub Pop's Facebook Timeline for it's Page.

If you don’t have a web dev crew to help, Timeline’s capability for original apps might not be a project for you to tackle, but there are companies already using the app toolbar to their advantage, and there are some apps that you can add with just a few clicks. Sub Pop Records (the iconic label of  Fleet Foxes, The Postal Service and Flight of the Conchords) has installed an Instagram feed and the BandPage app, which allows visitors to listen to artists signed with the label, as well as see a feed of tweets about the music.


2. Threadless

Threadless Facebook Timeline for its PageT-shirt company Threadless is cleverly using the new header to put a “shop” tab close to the top of their page. Facebook prohibits businesses from using their cover photo as a call to action, but you can use the toolbar just below it to direct people to check out your photos, sign up for your newsletter or buy your products. We also love Threadless’ funky cover photo–they’re using their cover to show off their people, not just their brand.


3. Ben & Jerry’s

Facebook Timeline for Pages - Ben & Jerry

Ice cream company Ben and Jerry’s is getting a little more in-depth with their apps. They’ve created several personalized apps for their page, including a store locator and the “Whirled Map,” which allows you to find and visit Ben and Jerry’s pages around the world, from Finland to Singapore. Apps like these are fun and engaging, and also increase the amount of time visitors spend on the page–not that any of us need much persuading when it comes to Phish Food.


4. Dove

Dove's Facebook Timeline.

Health and beauty company Dove is using their cover photo well, too. They’ve been using images of real women, shot with minimal makeup and on white backgrounds in their TV and print pieces for long enough that these images are an integral part of the Dove brand. It’s great to see smiling faces on the cover photo rather than just a logo–and because Dove has consistently branded this style of photo as their own, it’s a marketing win, too. Starting with their founding in 1957, Dove’s Timeline is consistent with their branded message–a must for these ultra-visual new pages.


5. Target

Target's Facebook Timeline Page

Target is taking advantage of the new pinning feature on Timeline. This week, for instance, they’ve pinned a post asking about visitors’ first memories of Target. This is a perfect place to post something you want to be sure all visitors to your page are going to see. You can pin an image, post or update to the top of your page for up to a week, guaranteeing that it won’t get pushed down the page by other posts. They are also using Timeline’s star function, which expands a post to the width of the whole page, highlighting its importance and making sure plenty of people see it. Target has also started filling in their Timeline with the date of their opening, their original logo, and even the historic date someone first called it “Tar-jay.”

We’re biased, but we think our new Vital Design Timeline is pretty sweet, too, especially because it’s a tongue-in-cheek homage to the Vital alley behind our office. We’ve uploaded some examples from our portfolio and an email signup, so that they’re close to the top of our page and everyone visiting is sure to see them. People visiting our page will still get photos from around Portsmouth and #AlleyCam updates, but they’ll also get a better idea of our work without having to search around the page.

The new tabs and apps allow you to add more stuff than ever to your Facebook page. When you trick out your Facebook page with the new features, your page can behave more like a homepage, and a little less like a channel you’re simply using to direct people to your homepage.

How’s your Facebook Timeline Page looking? Need some help? You’re in luck, as Vital Design is running a special offer to help you get your Timeline launched right by the end of the month. Learn more about updating your Facebook Timeline for your Page here.