Margaret Leahy

Hard tellin’, not knowin’.

Regionalism, source unknown

Margaret brings a CV of eclectic experiences to Vital’s writing team, from ghostwriting orthodontic blogs to editorializing the wild world of cheese. She loves a good story; her goal when tackling Vital projects is to highlight the human element behind every business. Margaret is energized by the fast pace and nimble nature of digital agency life, though she maintains a soft spot for good old-fashioned print.

In her off hours, Margaret is a multimedia artist, a thrift enthusiast, and an off-the-beaten-track travel nerd (don’t get her started on Atlas Obscura). You can often find her bingeing investigative podcasts while crafting and/or shooing her cats off her workspace.

Certificate in Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT

Graphic Design Certificate

  • Joined Vital ’21
  • Culture Magazine
  • Sound Moves Marketing
  • Best Version Media

  • University of Southern Maine, B.A. English, 2014

Random Bits

  • I have synesthesia — I see all letters and numbers in color.
  • I can produce bird calls with my hands (owl, loon, whip-poor-will, mourning dove).
  • I’ve performed on a Broadway stage.

The Oxford comma


Noodle-shaped foods


Street art


Content marketing