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Vital #745 on 2016 INC. 5000 List of Fastest Growing Private Companies

For the second year in a row, with over 500% growth, Vital has been named to Inc. 5000’s 2016 list of fastest-growing private companies in America—a designation that makes our digital marketing agency among the healthiest companies in the nation, especially in the booming Advertising & Marketing industry.

This year Vital ranked #745 in the list of 5,000 companies with 534% growth over a three year period. Last year Vital came in at #1442 on the Inc. 5000 list, meaning this year’s position represents an improvement of roughly 700 positions. Pretty impressive stuff right?

But you’re probably asking yourself: How can a 50+ person digital agency that sells a service and not a product experience the type of growth capable of earning a spot on the 2016 Inc. 5000?

Bottom line: We think it has everything to do with our investment in our people and our processes, not to mention our analytical approach to helping clients achieve exceptional results. “When I came on board four years ago, we made a commitment to push analysis, measurement and accountability…results driven marketing over the big ideas and hot air of traditional marketing agencies. Our clients love the tangible results and this award validates that you can be successful being real,” said Director of Digital Marketing Chris Getman.

“We’re relentless about staying ahead of the curve in the worlds of web design and digital marketing,” said Vital Co-Founder Zac Gregg. “Our clients know that we combine an insatiable appetite for innovation and continuous improvement with positive energy, professionalism and a personal touch.”


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A further look at the results shows some even more interesting statistics:

  1. Vital is once again the 1st fastest growing company in Portsmouth, Vital has two locations, Boston, MA and our headquarters in Portsmouth, NH, however being #1 in our hometown is a big deal, especially given how many successful businesses and startups have come out of the city over the past few years. In fact, Vital is one of six Portsmouth companies that made the list in 2016, so being numero uno is HUGE! #Boom
  1. Vital is once again the 3rd fastest-growing company in New Hampshire — The Granite State has a pretty solid showing in this year’s list with 22 other companies, a large chunk of which come from the Seacoast area. Being on any list with our friends at Dyn, the Bean Group, Adaptive Communications, Nagler Group, Global Technical Talent, DeStefano Architects would be good enough, but to have two of our New Hampshire clients, Yogibo and Rapid Manufacturing, make the list makes us swell with pride. #Blammo
  1. Vital is the 23rd fastest-growing company in Boston, MA—This is a MASSIVE improvement over last year’s showing of #41 on the list of fastest growing companies in the Boston metro. Three years ago Vital made a big splash acquiring office space on Boylston St. in Boston, MA, it continues to prove a great investment. As a member of the top 25 Beantown best, this means we are in some really good company: i.e. Paint Nite, Downeast Cider House, WordStream etc. #WHOA
  1. Vital is the 745th fastest-growing private company in AMERICA in 2016. That’s right…America??! Last year we came in at #1,442, and this year’s numbers show we moved up roughly 700 places. This ranking surpasses our goals and makes us one of the top Advertising and Marketing companies in the U.S.—which is about as badass as it gets. #YESSSSS

This year’s place in the Inc. 5000 is not only a testament to the revenue growth the digital marketing agency has experienced over the years, it’s also a demonstration of the hard work of each and every person who works at Vital.

“Each and every member of our team should be proud of this huge accomplishment as it is a testament to all of the hard work put in over the years,” said Co-Founder and Director of Brand Strategy Julia Ahumada. “Everyone deserves a congratulations—everyone from long time employees to newcomers, from interns to directors. Although in many ways this seems like a huge milestone in other ways it seems like this is just the beginning, with the direction Vital is heading, the clients we’ve signed and the employees we’ve acquired, the future could not be brighter.”

While the growth mentioned in the Inc. 5000 profile is certainly something to be proud of, Gregg said it’s only the tip of the iceberg for Vital.

“The 2016 ranking reflects 2015 totals, which we’ve already surpassed in August of this year,” said Gregg. “So we can’t wait to see where we end up on next year’s list.”